More xRiders in February
This week - We have had a fabulous start to February, with surfaces going out to Dorset, Gloucestershire, Scotland, Oxfordshire, New Forest and several in West Sussex, where the news about xRide seems to be spreading fast.
Recommendations -
We understand getting a new surface is a decision you will have to live with for many years. For that reason we are making sure you can talk with other xRider's independently from our listening ears, so you can make an informed decision.
If would like to contact a reference just shout. All we ask; if you become an xRider that you consider becoming a reference as well....
xRide Performance -
We have received some excellent stories about xRide during the freezing weather. In addition some feedback concerning improvements in various horses during training - two stand out.
"He is like a different horse, he is on springs" - Owner of an advanced dressage horse
"When I ride on my trainers xRide surface it's black and white, my horse loves the surface. I won't beat around the bush I would like to order a surface" -
Rider of an older dressage horse
Coming soon
We have some really exciting Partnerships launching as we head towards spring. To be announced at the British Dressage Winter Regionals.
And remember...
"xRide is high performance without the high price tag"
Thank you